The graduating class of 1960
If you are from the 1960 graduating class, see if you can find yourself in these 6th and 7th grade class photos! Maybe you can recognize your parents, sibling, or a friend! If we have made any spelling mistakes in the names, please let us know .
Send in your photos , stories, favorite memories to share, we would love to hear from you.

Is your name listed in the photos above?
Linda Armstrong
Harry Beliste
Cathy Bernash
Mary Lou Betzing
Joanna Boehmer
N. Bool
Joyce Burris
Phyllis Carbajal
D. Carstens
Pat Champagne
Jack Condon
L. Cota
Margaret Crosby
Maureen Donovan
Mike Engeln
Joyce Farrah
J. Geiser
Loren Gomez
Charles Herdener
John Jagekski
Linda Klein
Paul Lackaff
Bill Lodge
James Lueth
Judy Lundeen
Kathy Mahn
Ricky Mahoney
Kalley Martin
Danny Monahan
Pat Monahan
Kathy Miller
Dennis Noonan
Bill Picinni
Walter Purvis
Joe Rabitoy
Mary Ann Radspinner
Melvin Reudink
Pat Ritter
Jon Schwarz
Susan Schwarz
Ruth Shinnick
Linda Steel
Kathy Stromberg
Ruth Thoelke
Francis Titzler
Tom Walz
Joe Whitehead
Mike Wrede
Sue Rae Zutz
Did Sister Mary Leona teach you?
Do you remember other teachers? We want to hear your stories and share them!