Join the 2022-2023 Lancer Circle program
Thank you for your interest in joining Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School as a sponsor and a community partner. For more than 65 years Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School has maintained a commitment to prepare our graduates for a rich spiritual life, academic excellence, creative pursuits, and compassionate service in our changing world.
In order to do this, our community gathers together throughout the year to raise funds to support operations, tuition assistance and our endowment. The funds raised at these events help to ensure that we can continue to provide our students the opportunity to discover their own unique gifts and talents allowing them to serve a critical role in the future life of our Church, our country and our world.
Thank you 2022-2023 sponsors
Lancer Circle Sponsors are notably thanked and recognized for their generous contributions throughout the year, receiving prominent visibility among our entire Lourdes community.
Challenge matches and general underwriting opportunities at any level are always welcome. Contact Development today!
Join the Circle now and receive a special thank you gift.